读后感 · 读后感范文 · 莎士比亚名著读后感






























































Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if (Capitalize If since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.

Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes.

It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing .

Hamlet of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result.

Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius

Hamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons.
















悲剧具有其独特的魅力,古希腊时代的剧作家,如索福克勒斯、埃斯库罗斯都是以悲剧扬名希腊。一部不朽的《俄底甫斯王》被后人研究了几千年也不能穷尽其中的奥妙,哲学、心理学、宗教学、文学都从这部剧作中得到了启发。莎士比亚的悲剧又是一个不可逾越的高峰,他完全可以和古希腊多产的作家相媲美。这些作品就像甘泉一样不可干涸,总能让我们思考生命 乃至宇宙的意义。

我认为悲剧应该具备以下四个元素,无论是哪出悲剧,或多或少都可以找到这四种基本的元素。第一,理想和现实的冲突。第二,人性的缺点所造成的不可避免的悲剧。第三,对所谓命运的无可奈何。第四,悲剧人物 理想人格的彻底破灭,通常以悲剧人物的死亡而告终。












































































看看这个故事,再想想我们这些温室里的“花朵”,每天爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆、爸爸、妈妈,向伺候着小皇帝、小公主一样地照顾着我们,而我们呢?却一点苦都吃不了,遇到困难与挫折只知逃避与退缩,真是惭愧 !



























莎士比亚1564年出生于英国的斯特拉福镇的一个富裕的家庭,他从小就酷爱戏剧,想当演员,但遭到了父亲的反对。由于父亲是镇长,所以莎士比亚在文法学校免费学习。可惜,父亲不久被撤掉一切政治职位,莎士比亚被迫辍学从商。由于莎士比亚曾经上过文法学校,所以有着很好的文学基础。但创作道路并不平稳, 32岁那年,他钟爱的幼子哈姆雷特夭折,在《亨利六世》上演后,又遭到了大学才子派格林的讽刺,他企图削落莎士比亚的斗志,但莎士比亚没有就此放弃,他坚强地挺了过来,仍然坚持创作。为了激励自己,他在《麦克白》中写下了这样一句话:黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。表达了自己百折不饶、乐观处世的心态。看到这里,我想起了自己。我现在的生活非常优越,可以说衣来伸手,饭来张口,但一遇到困难,却总易退缩,甚至放弃。记得在学游泳的时候,天天重复同一个动作,我嫌麻烦并且怕吃水。一天,老师规定我不停顿地游一个来回,在我即将到达终点的时候,不小心吃了一口水,就停了下来。原来可以坚持一下游上一个来回,但就是因为我吃了一口水,再一次退缩了。想想莎士比亚吧,这点困难是多么微不足道啊!被迫辍学,痛失幼子,作品受到讽刺,这些打击几乎都是致命的,但莎士比亚仍然坚持不懈,写下了影响几代人的巨着,创作了上百部作品,其中就包括着名的悲剧三部曲和喜剧三部曲。







This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life. The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.

It seems to me that many readers English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer. I am of no exception. As we refer to the movie Jane Eyer, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.

Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. Since Janes education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didnt get what she had been expectingsimply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden. There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that gardens owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside. Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time ----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation. Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didnt want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer. The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. After finding Rochesters misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.

I dont know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the films end----especially when I heard Janes words Never in my life have I been awaken so happily. For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person; for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get. But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Janes life that Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get. (By Forrest Gumps mother, in the film Forrest Gump)

Whats more, this film didnt end when Jane left Thornfield. For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation? The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester. In fact, when Jane met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane. We can consider Rochesters experiences as that of religion meaning. The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved. Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides. The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.

Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain. Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life. In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.

In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance. We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness. Its our spirit that makes the life meaningful.

Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life. Indubitably, Jane Eyer is one of them.


After a few days of rain, let me read the book "grass house"。 He mainly wrote about the boy's six years of elementary school in yau ma tei. Over the course of six years, he has gone through many seemingly ordinary but tear-jerking stories. In the book, the protagonist, mulberry, makes a lot of strange things, such as: making nets into nets; In the summer, running around in a cotton-padded jacket, etc. It makes him laugh. It also reflects the innocence and purity of mulberry. Grandma qin, because the school was built to open her home, so she and the school, often do something against the school. It is this kind of old and old, after the influence of mulberry and so on, also changed. And saved the drowning child. Unfortunately, he lost his name when saving a pumpkin. It's not easy being an old man.

The fun and unforgettable experience of mulberry's childhood in "the house of grass" makes me feel how precious the true love between people is in today's society.


Rolling the Yangtze river east a mill, the waves are gone all heroes. Exciting, the third time I open the classical literary classics of The Three Kingdoms \.

The story is the main content of the wisdom and brave in turn to launch, but I think that wisdom is always better than brave. For example: in the west, KongMingYong KongChengJi scare the sima yi of one hundred and fifty thousand troops led. This example for infinite in number.

But in the story also has \wisdom not delimit stratagem, brave enemy, the improper doesn't take the pen, wu fixed gun\. Like han room LiuChan, gaily all day, ignore the palace, and is willing to give the shu, finally had staged let one of sneer at things, ran. Who would have thought of a country's rulers can make such a ShiYiSuYi things to come?

Foolhardy, the big enemy be current, the only desperate battle. Lyu3 bu4, YanLiang are typical example: if BaiMenLou obey the counselor in lyu3 bu4 idea, why should be hanged on the city gate cao? If YanLiang put in hebei things and liu bei guan yu clearly, where as for the chop down by guan yu is nothing?

If in the three countries on the strongest wage, a little too much. Cao cao is a unique way, sima yi is more YongBingRuShen. But both have their own weakness: cao cao suspicious, sima yi too dangerous. Besides shu, the will is various ge bright. His prodigious wit, skilled BingZhen, all let posterity alike. And like chicken, concubines Victoria, seo young pang tong accidental sugarcane and so on some characters, but I think all not equal to the bore is clear. Wu, a occupy sanjiang county of six nation, can calculate on a strategy, also is the week yu, young period of the week yu will read books, proficient in formation. After some hard work, and finally, when the very big paper, the President marines. But he is too too jealous, dead at all twenty-six.

From these characters and state we can see that the importance of one's character. Character relationship with success.

Each people all have own goal, as long as dependable walk good for success in the process of each section of the road, believe that success will not far. When we looked at others envy success, often ignored him on the road to success pay difficultly. Like bing xin said: the success of flower. People got only act she present mingyan! But when her yaren, soak the struggle leiquan, a sacrifice xueyu blood rain!


After a term’s reading, I finished ten more books, however, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books.

In China maybe we all know LiQingzhao, a great female poet whose poetry are full of the emotions from the bottom of her heart. However, in England the figure maybe is my most admirable authoress Miss Austen who can never have too many respects from the common people just like me. After read her two masterpieces of books Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I feel so proud of being female to see a world-famous authoress using her independent thoughts, humor words to show us the relationship between the so-called superiors and the lower-class.

At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it, while in England Miss Austen with her unique characteristic also realized her dream after a long struggle with the temporal points. It seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility; once there was an old saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” She resolutely chose her true love but not a splendid life or a comfortable home, what a pity she can not marry the one she did not really love even a beloved one, in her short life, she finished six famous books with her heart and soul but never married and stayed single for ever.

When reading Pride and Prejudice, I wondered why the oldest sister in the Bennet family also was named Jane, is there any possibility Jane Bennet is the soul of Miss Austen; and Miss Austen expected to realize all the pity which can not come true in her real life, so Jane Bennet was pictured as prefect as possible to be the best of the five sisters.

It’s a classical book with abundant description of everyone’s inner heart, especially the changes in their hearts. It can never deserve too many analyses for it was so wonderfully worked. One can say anything but ordinary to show our respects and admiration.

The man said“I do not have that talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.” The woman said“We all don’t know him.” The book is full of the man’s pride and the woman’s prejudice in its lines and words.

From his pride we can see his confidence and persistence; whereas from his pride we can’t see his kindness and gentleness which he hid behind the surface.

From her prejudice we can see her firmness and treason; whereas from her prejudice we can’t see her expectation and worries which she hid behind the surface.

So it gave us a beginning of the story of pride and prejudice and led us to Miss Austen’s emotion world. So wonderful a book, so classical a story, so prefect a happy ending made it never a problem whether his pride or her prejudice counted, because of love, all can be neglected.

In the book once the proud Mr Dracy talked about the traits an accomplished woman must have, it needed a thorough knowledge of music, singing, dancing, drawing and modern languages, and besides this, a certain something in her manner of walking, in her voice and her behaviour. What’s more, something more solid, the improvement of her mind by wide reading. It could never be too strict for a common woman to follow.

About the attitudes to the marriage, Charles Dickens in the Oliver Twist also showed us the opinions of that day, he said if a man has ambitions to enter politics, then he marries a woman with a stain on her name, over though it’s not her fault, it might spoil his chances of success in his life. The society is cruel, people might use the knowledge of his wife’s doubtful birth against him, and against his children, too. And one day, he might begin to regret his marriage.

But love is so great that nothing can conquer it, and in the Pride and Prejudice we see the type of classical love, if we say in the realization we are so sorry to see the over more interest lead us to forget what love is, what a pity when love is not so pure as it should be, what a pity when love is used as a medium of exchange.

To my happiness the books inflected Miss Austen’s marriage view, it is wrong to get married for property, money and states. She objects to getting married for money and regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She also points that the man and the woman’s emotion is the foundation of an ideal marriage.

After reading it, I feel that I just want to turn Elizabeth who is ordinary but with special beauty, brave but with a little stubborn, though she is not a prefect woman our eyes, she does be a woman with prefect disadvantages. To the hero Mr Dracy, I feel that I just want to marry a gentleman like Mr Dracy who always puts his love deep in his heart, till the day he made sure that Elizabeth was the one he wanted to spend the rest time of the live. Under the handsome and gentle; proud and serious face, there was a kind heart full of love.

Pride is just like a piece of beautiful clothes which is luxurious and untouchable. However, the expense of pride is loneliness. Prejudice is just like the clouds floating in the sky with its freedom. However, the expense of prejudice is lost.

What I learnt from the books and Jane Austen is deeply printed in my mind and I should never forget Elizabeth and Mr Dracy’s prefect love story, they usefully influenced each other. His mind might have been softened and his manners improved by her sociability, and she might have learnt from his greater judgment and knowledge of the world. Just like a fairy tale, the price and princess have a happy live together, which I am looking forward.


Bronte, name of three English novelists, also sisters, whose works were world-famous in Victorian Times, have become beloved classics. The sisters Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte were born in Thornton, Yorkshire. Each sister had astonishing achievement that was praised and envied by others. Charlottes Jane Eyre was published first, in 1847. Annes Agnes Grey and Emilys Wuthering Heights appeared a little later.Charlotte was born in 1816 and died in 1855. As her most famous works, Jane Eyres popularity has never waned and remained a passionate expression of female issues and concerns.


People, irrespective of when and where, no matter how difficult, do not be intimidated by the difficulties should be brave to face, and always maintain a positive, calm optimistic attitude, and challenges to face destiny. Only experienced hardships in order to truly become a strong man can do, like Robinson, is always a winner. We are not afraid of difficulties, as Robinson did, indomitable spirit, courage to face difficulties, not easily made failure, learn to be independent, autonomous life! Be a strong person.


After reading Robinson Crusoe, I am shocked at it, and I really admire Robinson.

I admire his spirit of not retreating when being in trouble. He lived in an uninhabited island for about 26 years and encountered many difficulties which are beyond our imagination. He survives on his perseverance and faith; what's more, he created the new life. His spirit is worth learning, which is that we can't surpass.

I still more admire his ability of bearing loneliness. From my point of view, all of us are survive in the society without families and friends. If I were Robinson, I should rely on myself to survive but I couldn't bear the isolated life. Now we may not aware how important the emotion is. However, if we encounter that condition like Robinson's, we may know that we are not individuals, and we can't live alone in the world. Kinship, friendship and love are indispensable in our life, and they are priceless treasure which are worth maintaining by our life.


《Jane Eyre》 Written by Charlotte Bronte 《Jane Eyre》is the greatest love story ever told and is a literary work which has a long history . 《Jane Eyre》explains such an attitude: human beings value equals to self-esteem plus love. The author of 《Jane Eyre》――Charlotte Bronte and the author of 《Wuthering Heights》――Emily Jane Bronte are sisters. Although they lived under the same circumstances, they owned totally different characters. Charlotte Bronte is gentler than Emily Jane Bronte. She was so poor when she was young and she nearly could not feel her parents love, in addition that she was not attractive and was very short, so all of these reflected her self-humiliation. She had a strong sense of self-esteem, and she often compensated the self-humiliation of her self-esteem. She described Jane Eyre, in fact, she wrote herself. Jane Eyre was as common as Charlotte Bronte, and she kept going after a kind of free, bright and beautiful life because of her self-esteem. However, the two sisters passed away in their golden times. It seems the God who doesnt like them that he punished them and destroyed them. What a pity! The main idea of《Jane Eyre》is to build a strong and independent woman according to describe a complicated love story between Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester. Jane Eyre was born in a poor family and she lost her parents in her early age. Therefore, she had to depend on others for a living. She bore her aunts abandon, her sisters disgust as well as her brothers insult. However, she did not despair, and she did not self-destruction. On the contrary, she stuck to struggle with everything and achieved the success at last. It is a power of love. Unfortunately, in her daily life of the school, she was often insulted and scolded by the Providers and always bore the physical and spiritual torments. But she did not give up but made a great progress. Finally, she obtained her teachers and classmates understanding. Shortly, Jane Eyre came across another difficulty that was she fell in love with Rochester. Her strong personality made her maintain the personal dignity. When she faced her rival in love Yinggelamug, she was not inferior to the aggressive girl. Similarly, in the face of Rochester, she never felt shameful owe to she is a family teacher. The other way round, she considered they were equal and should be respected by others. It is because of her integrity, noble, pure and soul without secular social pollution. Rochester was moved by her greatest respect and deeply in love with her. He was sincere, so she accepted him. Later, Jane Eyre found Rochester had a wife, so she decided to leave him without any hesitation. It shows her self-esteem again. At last, when Jane knew that Rochester was disabled and blind in order to rescue his wife, she returned to his embrace again. From this book, it can be reflected in the emergent shape of a female image in the industrial revolution era. Novel design a very bright end. Although Rochester ruined the estate, he became a disability, but we see that Jane Eyre was no longer in contradiction between self-esteem and love. She satisfied herself and Rochester in the end. From all the things, I believe nothings gonna change the love for everyone, it is mere confidence. Novel tells us that the best life is human beings dignity and love, the outcome of the novel arranged heroine a perfect life. Although I feel that this conclusion is too perfect, even this in itself marked a shallow, but I still respect the author for such a good life ideals -- is the dignity and love, after all, in today's society, people often require money to pay the help. Choose between poor and rich is the main factor to choose whether love or not. Few will abandon the wealth because of love like Jane Eyre. So it is like a cup of ice that cleans up every reader's mind, while causing readers, especially female readers resonance.


Robinson was the hero of the book. In a voyage, Robinson traveled on the ship struck a reef near a deserted island, the crew and passengers were all drowned, and only one lucky enough to Robinson survived. He waves to the beach on the volume. In overcoming the initial pessimism and despair, he with his indomitable perseverance, and extraordinary nature of the struggle launched a heroic. By his own hands and wisdom, the use of guns and simple tools, self-reliance, self-reliant in the wild over the island from the desolate life. Through unremitting efforts, he not only had their own homes and furniture, as well as pastures, plantations, and even a pet. In such difficult circumstances, able to live such a life is not easy, This is his by virtue of his perseverance and wisdom to create a miracle.

Robinson is good at helping others, he saved from the hands of a gang of cannibals, the next prisoner, the day Friday, so give him and named Friday. Since then, the Friday to become his partner and faithful servant. Robinson also taught he learned to speak English. Soon, he rescued several cannibals and from prisoners, and they work together, live together. Later, a British ship after a desert island, Robinson helped the rebel uniform, sailor captain, left the island by boat, return to England, and lived a happy life. Robinson to return to Britain from the island in trouble, this time even exceeding twenty years.

After reading this book, I am deeply moved. A man desperate, can escape such a life full of confidence, the courage to face life, create life, it is commendable. Made me realize that no matter when and where people, no matter what the difficulties, not to be intimidated by the difficulties, is to face difficulties and overcome the difficulties, and always maintain a positive, calm and optimistic attitude, to face and challenge fate. The only way to do like Robinson, is always a winner.


Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:

We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit of justice. Its like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the Gods feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Actually, she wasnt pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didnt make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than the plain and ugly governess。 But as the little governess had said: Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyres mind. God hadnt given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

In my mind, though a persons beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isnt the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, its not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a persons great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted。 I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we cant distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we cant distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.







