读后感 · 作文大全 · 纪念建党100周年主题学习






















































With expectations, with longing and respect, we ushered in the party's 100th birthday. Therefore, our school held a red song singing contest to celebrate the party's birthday.

The Communist Party of China - a young and hopeful party. Under the leadership of the party, Hong Kong and Macao returned to the arms of their mother in 1997 and 1999; Under the leadership of the party, the Chinese realized the great dream of carrying people in space; Under the leadership of the party, we successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games. This series of success proves the strong strength of our country today.

History is like mirror, can learn from today, the long five thousand years civilization has deposited in the new era for the diligent brave, self-improvement of the great national spirit, years like mountains, can climb the high and distant, the 90 years of the Chinese Communist Party of China's wind and rain, is once the spark of fire has become the torch of countless people's hearts! Standing at the beginning of the century, whether it is looking back on the thick history, overlooking the world today, or looking forward to the blue sky in the future. We will all find that China is in an important strategic opportunity period: the great motherland, with her great mind and invincible spirit, is unable to meet the world's marvelous eyes from her economic and political and historical prosperity.

The Chinese nation is like a giant, standing in the east of the world. 2021 is a special year in which China has ushered in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. Over the past 100 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of all ethnic groups have united and united in the country, fought against various difficulties and obstacles, and experienced many hardships and won the victory of the new democratic revolution.

Under the leadership of the party, our Chinese nation has developed from semi colonial and semi feudal society to a "new China" that has initially flourished.

It's the party! Lead us to the road of the new century; It's the party! With life to exchange for the present safe and healthy life; It's the party!

Party! You are a bright light, always illuminating our way forward; Party! You are a great mother, nurturing millions of Chinese children!

Party! Your great achievements will be carved in the monument of Chinese history forever in my heart.

Now, we can stand up and take our chest and solemnly declare to the world, "our Chinese nation is a strong and unyielding nation, a great famous nation!"

China, under the leadership of the great Communist Party, has become a dragon standing in the East. I am proud and proud of the strength of my motherland. However, at the 90th birthday of the party, what I think of is that countless heroes and children who have thrown their heads and blood on their motherland are the heroes and children who have exchanged their youth and blood for our happy life today. I read books such as red rock, song of youth, snow in forest sea, how steel is made. I'm really excited to read these books. The glorious images of elder sister Jiang, Lin Daojing, shaojianbo and Paul let me always remember. I will take them as an example, set up a big goal and study hard. History will not go smoothly, but we will succeed if we firmly believe in it. I would like to be a little ant that drives the wheel of history forward.




加入共产党成为我的人生路标,她犹如夜航的明灯、天空的星斗引导我走向理想的彼岸。我默默地为之努力,我知道“不积跬步,无以致千里;不积涓流,无以成江河”。只有信仰,能使生命充满意义,唯有奋斗,才使生活更加充实。“生的伟大,死的光荣”的刘胡兰,想起了慷慨悲歌、从容就义的吉鸿昌,想起了鞠躬尽瘁、死而后己的周恩来,想起了蜡炬成灰、春蚕到死的蒋筑英……这一刻我也陡然意识到了为什么要把党比作母亲?因为这一生我将和她同荣辱、共命运。我们的党哺育了成千上万的优秀儿女,也曾牺牲了无数的优秀儿女,才使“日月变新天”,如今我们母亲生息之地的繁荣昌盛,我们儿女义无反顾,责无旁贷。One hundred years ago, the Communist Party of China was born in the stormy old China. Like a bright lamp, it broke through the darkness of the long night. Like the rising sun, it brought hope to the sleeping earth. From the moment of her birth, there were a group of guides in China, and the Chinese nation had a stronger backbone. This strong and glorious collective burst out a new China in the dark ashes_ It's a stormy spring and autumn_ After years of continuous struggle, the Communist Party of China has gone through many vicissitudes, including the difficulties in its founding, the baptism of the northern expedition, the exploration of the agrarian revolution, the smoke of the war of resistance against Japan, and the artillery fire of the war of liberation In the historical stage of reform and opening up, the Communist Party has been faced with important historical junctures again and again, and has made historic choices again and again. Whether it's the heavy snow and rain on the Dadu River in the snow mountain grassland, or the bloody rain on the Taihang Mountain in Jinggangshan mountain, whether it's the gentle wind and drizzle on the Yan'an caves, or the fierce wind and drizzle of reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has always been closely united with the people of the whole country, beating with the pulse of China's destiny, from thin to thick, from young to mature, from the 1920s, To a new century.

I was born under the red flag, bathed in the rain and dew of the party, spent a happy childhood, and walked into the ocean of knowledge in the spring breeze of reform and opening up. In my childhood, the party in my mind was sacred and great, amiable and lovely. The first song I learned to sing was "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China". This song grew up with me, and with the passage of years, I can more and more understand its profound connotation. When I became a member of the Communist Youth League from a young pioneer, communism became my ideal belief. She was like the wings of my soul, urging me to make progress.

Joining the Communist Party has become a landmark of my life. It's like a night light and stars in the sky leading me to the other side of my ideal. I work hard for it silently. I know that "if you don't take a single step, you can't make a thousand miles."; There is no river without a trickle. Only faith can make life full of meaning, and only struggle can make life fuller“ Liu Hulan, who lived a great life and died a glorious death, reminds me of Ji Hongchang, who died a martyr, Zhou Enlai, who died a martyr, and Jiang Zhuying, who died a wax torch and a spring silkworm? Because in this life, I will share the same honor and fate with her. Our party has nurtured thousands of excellent children and sacrificed countless excellent children to make "the sun and the moon change into a new sky". Now, our children are duty bound to the prosperity of the place where our mother lives.








In a flash, the Communist Party of China has gone through 100 years of hardships and glory. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, each of us should thank our great Communist Party.

In July 1921, our great Communist Party of China was born. Since then, great changes have taken place in China, and China's revolution has taken on a new look. With_ The first generation of Communist Party of China, represented by comrades, united the people of all ethnic groups of the country, fought hard, established new China in three mountains: feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism and imperialism. The Chinese people have lived a happy life since then. The Chinese people are no longer oppressed people in semi colonial and semi feudal society, and the Chinese people have stood up. The founding of new China is a big event that shocked the world. All of this is due to the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, which she has brought us. Each of us should have a grateful heart to thank our party.

After the founding of new China, although we have setbacks, under the correct leadership of the Communist Party, we are still moving forward and after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we will_ After summarizing the experience of both positive and negative aspects since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, represented by comrades, has made a leap in all aspects, opened up a new period of socialist cause development, gradually formed the line, policy and policy of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and gradually formed the theory. Under the guidance of the guidance, the national productivity has developed rapidly, China has developed from backward to prosperous, and people's lives have reached a well-off level.

On the basis of theory, comrades put forward the important thought of "Three Representatives" in combination with the actual situation of China's modernization construction, which reflects the new requirements of the development and change of the contemporary world and China for the party and the state work, and is a powerful theoretical weapon to strengthen and improve the party construction and promote the self-improvement and development of socialism in China. Under the guidance of the "Three Represents", China's productivity has developed further and people's lives are more affluent.

After the president, the general secretary proposed the discussion of "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" to establish socialist concept of honor and disgrace, which provides us with the guidance of words and deeds. Although it is only a simple eight sentence, it summarizes how to establish a healthy world outlook, outlook on life and values, which is an important condition for the realization of national stability and social harmony. After that, the scientific development concept has promoted the harmonious development of society and nature.

My dear Communist Party, I am proud of you. We will always remember the struggle of the proletariat of the old generation, and the glorious achievements of martyrs and heroes. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, I will send my sincere wishes with this simple text with the most sincere heart!





















A great country, a great party, the red sun shines everywhere,

The great people stand up to heaven and earth,

Great armies hold on to guns,

Great leader Mao Zedong, leading us forward, the sea can't stop, the mountain can't stop, the mountain can't stop!

The great country, the great party, the banner of revolution flying high,

The great people are not afraid of wind and waves, and the great army has a firm pace,

Great leader Mao Zedong, leading us forward, the motherland to be rich and strong, mankind to be liberated, mankind to be liberated!

Dear party! We compare you to the red sun, but the sun in your heart is our new generation.

Our great leader Chairman Mao once said: "the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours.

You are like the sun at eight o'clock in the morning, and your hopes rest on you. "

I firmly believe that we are a seed in the fertile soil and a sunflower in the sunshine. Under the care of the party and the warm sunshine, we will grow vigorously and build our motherland into a more prosperous and powerful tomorrow.

My friend, I am proud of the era we live in. Whether we enter the classroom in the morning sun or leave the campus in the sunset, whenever we look up at the bright red sun, my heart is agitated. We bathe in the sun's brilliance and let us sing happily; We look forward to a better future, let's fly Red hope!


Always follow the party to the mountain to see the banner, the drum and horn hear... "When you recite the great man's poems in the superior and warm classroom, do you use it Have you ever asked yourself how this wonderful thing came from? When you stand under the bright red flag, do you revere the rising flag?

When I was a child, I often heard grandpa hum in his arms: "Oriental red, sun rising, China has a Mao Zedong..." yes! As the sun rises, our country has been developing continuously under the leadership of a generation of party leaders. Our technology is changing day by day; Our lives are getting better and better. High rise buildings rise from the ground, rockets fly to space like dragon, satellites like horses to the moon... These major events have laid China's international position, and the people's most hope is to have a prosperous motherland.

Spring shoots take root and sprout in the shower of spring rain, and we thrive in the embrace of the party. Let's hand in hand, heart to heart, always follow the party!


Our generation was born in the new peaceful era of socialism. We can grow up happily in this environment. All these benefits from the correct leadership of our great party. Therefore, each of us should love, support, support and repay the party with a grateful heart.

Every day, we can study in this spacious and bright classroom, with beautiful campus and hard-working teachers. All these are given to us by the party and are the constant efforts and efforts of the party for our study. Speaking of this, I can't help but show the busy figure of the party in Wenchuan earthquake in order not to delay the study of children in the disaster area. Our party extended a helping hand to the children in the disaster area. Bring them safety, warmth and blessings. Party members all over the country also donated money and materials to them. This touching picture is a scene that I will never forget in my life. It is the party that cares about and cares for the people from the perspective of the people at the critical moment, so that we can have a beautiful growth environment.

I can be born in the arms of the party, is the happiness of my life.

Whenever the national flag is raised high, my heart is surging. The powerful notes in the majestic national anthem tell me that I have shouldered the glorious historical task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I am grateful to be able to live in such a rich material civilization today. The old generation of revolutionary predecessors exchanged our incomparably superior life with their blood. Therefore, I have a sense of urgency. I must study hard and devote myself to study with exuberant energy. I am not afraid of hardship. I am really hardworking and hard-working. We are the flowers of our motherland. The new generation of leaders shine on our growth just like the sun. I am grateful. I want to serve our motherland. I want to go to the remote frontier and guard our country seriously. I want to be a scientist and make rockets fly high. I want to be a worker and offer a nail and iron for our motherland. I want to be a militarist and command our army to fight the imperialist invasion and escape with its tail between its legs. Ah, I love you. I'm looking for you.


How time flies! Today, we are celebrating the 100th birthday of the great Communist Party of China. Whenever I mention the Communist Party, I will think of a song "No Communist Party, no new China". Whenever I hear this familiar melody, I feel a little excited. Now we are like flowers in the greenhouse, happy life, but who thought, today's happiness how to come?

In 100 years, in China, a great political party was born. She is the Communist Party of China. After 100 years of trials and hardships, she is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

We compare the party to a mother. She raised us with milk and left us happiness. But we don't know how much suffering she experienced behind her in order to make the people live a good life. How many people give their precious lives? Isn't that the unknown spirit we should have? Our red scarf is with their blood and patriotism will be more red!

At this time, I understand that the party supports us, encourages us, and leads us with her strength. We are all the children of the party. If we do not cherish the good life and study hard, can we live a happy life today?


The great Communist Party of China has been founded for 100 years. In the past 100 years, many outstanding sons and daughters of the party have devoted themselves to the cause of the party, the liberation of mankind, and the prosperity of the motherland. I was deeply moved by so many heroes and models who could sing and play. Especially the famous scientists Qian Xuesen and Qian Sanqiang. And aviation hero uncle Yang Liwei. In my dream, I want to fly to the universe by Shenzhou spaceship.

These great scientists and heroes. They are gifted, patriotic, and studious. Grandfather Qian Sanqiang said: "at all times and in all over the world, all those who have made achievements and made contributions to human beings are the result of down-to-earth and arduous climbing." From the bottom of my heart, I admire these great people who have made contributions to mankind. But I feel inferior. I feel more stupid than others. Especially in the composition, I have something to say but I can't say it. I don't know where to start. Sometimes I can't express myself, sometimes I make mistakes. I'm afraid of hardships and difficulties in learning Chinese. I want to play computer games. I think of Red Army soldiers climbing mountains and grass, and they are not afraid to die in the hail of bullets. When I encounter some small difficulties in learning, I flinch. Isn't that a coward? Many heroic examples show that party members are not afraid of death.

I must learn from their spirit.


A hundred years of struggle creates a hundred years of glory, and the great cause calls for a thousand years of glory. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, as well as the connecting year of the party's "two centenary" goals and the beginning year of the 14th five year plan. In the past 100 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the country is peaceful and the people's life is prosperous.

As a member of the Communist Youth League and a Chinese, I have a profound understanding of China's rapid development and a heart of excitement and hard work for the unprecedented great changes China is facing. If you want to be true, you must study hard. For learning, we must really learn, be good at learning, and practice learning to achieve the unity of knowledge and practice. Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, to lay the foundation for the development of China in the new era, as the old saying goes: if you want to know the road, you must first be history. Rich ideological resources and practical wisdom are contained in the heavy hundred year history of the party, which provides rich nutrients for us to strengthen our faith and confidence. Standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenaries", the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way is about to start. To unremittingly learn the "compulsory course" of party history, we must unswervingly arm Xi Jinping's mind and guide practice with China's new socialist ideology. It is a long journey to practice socialism with our own practical actions, only through struggle. We should stick to our original intention, shoulder our mission, study the history of the party, understand our thoughts, do practical things, and open up a new situation. We should strive to start a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way with high spirits, and greet the centenary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements.

Before the crisis, we should show our nature. When the epidemic broke out, the western society of "freedom and democracy" suddenly turned into a mess. The facts have eloquently proved that the human rights based on the safety of people's lives and property are the real human rights, and the freedom to safeguard human dignity is the real freedom. Under the unified command of the Party Central Committee, China has become the safest country. The Chinese people have finally realized how happy and lucky we are!

If you have faith in your heart, you can go far. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been restored through reviewing the history of the party, and I have a deeper understanding that there is no new China without the Communist Party. The leadership of the Communist Party is the fundamental guarantee for China's national rejuvenation.

The centenary of the party is the centenary of fulfilling the original mission, the centenary of laying a solid foundation, the centenary of creating brilliance and opening up the future“ History is the best sobering agent. Looking back on the Centennial course of the party, we should know that there is no glory waiting for, only brilliance. To win an all-round well-off society and move towards national rejuvenation, the great cause of the new millennium calls on each of us to stick to our original mission, create glory and create brilliance together.
