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大学英语读书笔记 Notre Dame cathedral。

书籍是人类进步的阶梯。读书对我们是有很大影响的,所以有很多人就很喜欢看各种的书籍,每个人在阅读的时候,都会与作品产生共鸣。那么,就让我们静下心来好好的写一篇属于自己的读书笔记吧!怎么写好一份优秀的读书笔记呢?下面是小编精心为你整理的“大学英语读书笔记 Notre Dame cathedral”,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友。

《Notre Dame cathedral》 is one kno off, social unfair manifest.

But the article result also is when the opposition society until criticism: All beautiful is good all swallows by the might and the evil, the lower level peoples weak strength in under the king power rule, in the benighted society, only can be reduced to ashes. ys essence to the people. This fascinating story likes that Ccimodo clocks sound equally shocks several generation of readers minds.



yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.

dr bethune e english papers and learnt much from them . and noy and project survey puter knoputer science and engineering in university of minnesota . for myself i am not major in computer science and i am not very good at computers so i feel a little difficult to understand technologies used in this region.

second they had read a large number of papers before they others can save a lot of time and energy especially for us neprehension on this issue is greatly profound. they knoe of them are not based on real project and can not give useful resolution . these four authors both their knowledge and their attitude to study.


大学英语读书笔记 A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of T his experimentation is no of critics, most notably Sir James Fitzjames Stephen writing in Saturday Review, criticized the novel precisely for its popularity. Most of the critics writing in the intellectual and literary journals of the day considered popular success a good reason to condemn a work, explains Glancy. If the public liked it, they certainly could not be seen to approve of it at all. Modern critical opinion, however, has given the novel an important place among Dickenss most mature works of fiction.

大学英语读书笔记 The Count of Monte Cristo

Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads Christ mountain revenge in me records after the biggest feeling.China has the proverb is called the gentleman revenges, ten year not late , revenges also is needs to conserve strength, certainly is not may act rashly by reason of for a them know actually own was for repay a debt of gratitude.If he repays a debt of gratitude moving, then his revenge is so the incisiveness, also has several after us calls unavoidably to have the dessert is startled.


The Red and the Black is a profound and mits a crime-out of passion, principle, or insanity-that plex. Julien is a typical adolescent/ young adult: Idealistic, searching and unsure of himself. To me, it is amazing to ance. And MME de Renal is a inant? The answer to all questions is yes. etimes cruel, and

sometimes kind; Sometimes, honest, sometimes mildly deceitful, telling white lies, and sometimes bold-faced liars? Since Stendhal is faithful to this, and does not give us character in black and white, he has produced a masterpiece.

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