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Oliver T offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.




















here i am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about e dickens created in the novel are really e. there oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he e books to the bookseller and to send some money for the nee for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

perhaps most of us him. jesus said in the bible. “forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” why is that? because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. we cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. stop put mr. brownlow into the list of your models. always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. thats also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

then there are mrs. maylie and rose, olivers other benefactors. maybe the reason they loved and cared oliver etimes trust can even lead us to miracles, e. believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and e from your beliefs in life. etimes last forever.

charles dickens said:“love makes the us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. these principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.



Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in the England. He was born in a poor family, but later he became famous and rich. The famous novel --A Tale of Two Cities is written by him, too.

This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist, the hero, is a poor orphan. He lived in a life filled with taunts. Nobody loved him. With visions of his future, he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming, but he was wrong, a group of thieves were waiting for him.

The author created a group of bad men.

Fagin, an old man, with a horribly ugly face and red hair, was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal.

Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper.

Monks, Olivers brother, did bad things to hurt Oliver. He wanted to get the legacies left by his father alone. He paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. In fact, they were all afraid of being put into prison and being hanged. They cant live happily.

Nancy, a poor girl, loved a bad man. She had to help Bill Sikes perpetrate, because she loved him. She had to be loyal to the criminal group, because she loved him. Actually, she was kind. She helped Oliver at the risk of her life. If she hadnt fell in love with Sikes, she would have a happy ending.

The author showed these ugly things to us, he described an ugly world. But there are more kind people in the novel.

Mr. Brownlow, an old friend of Olivers father, took good care of Oliver.

Mrs. Maylie, Harry Maylies mother, saved Oliver of his life.

Miss Rose is the aunt of Oliver, in fact.

They all protect Oliver from hurt.

Oliver was unlucky to meet so many evil people, but he was luckier to get help from so many kind people.

In the end of the novel, all the evil people were punished. Oliver got what he should get. Rose married Harry Maylie and they lived happily. All the kind people have a happy ending.

Righteousness can always beat evil. I think this is what the author wants to tell. Although there are many ugly things in the world, we must believe that righteousness can always beat evil.

We must store kindness even though we are in ugly situation. One is poor if he doesnt have kindness. One is rich if he has kindness. So please store your kindness in your mind.

Whats more, the novel also tells us to be brave. Oliver was brave enough to overcome all the problems he had met. No matter how difficult the problem is, we cant give up, we must try our best to solve it.

From Oliver Twist , I have learnt a lot .Its really a good novel.



Oliver Te point.

Oliver Te , he e external fun .He deliberately said Oliver's mother pensate. For Oliver's kindness ,he finally led a happy life )

As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution. Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to e about, so why not trust Trust yourself, trust others, and youll salute miracles every single day.


《雾都孤儿》买回来几天了,一直放着,没有看。上专业课的时候我把它带入了副教室,做完作业后,我开始看了起来。我本来是不喜欢这一类书的,也可以说没看过。出于无聊,看了起来,随着阅读的继续,慢慢的,我被书的内容所吸引。 随着奥利弗的降生,他的每一件事都牵扯着我的神经。看他从小长在济贫院里,院长曼尼夫人是那样的虚伪,忍不住为小小的奥利弗担忧起来,怕他会在那样的环境中变得胆怯,屈服。读到那些一个个唯利是图,不分青红皂白就抓人,打人的警官们,忍不住想唾骂他们,为奥利弗感到不公。当他一次次的落入贼窟,一次次的被迫学习当扒手,想让他成为一个邪恶的人,我不禁为他感到惋惜,担忧。 但他经历了一次又一次的折磨,一次又一次的苦痛,仍没有屈服,还保持着那份自尊,善良。最终也是没有向现实屈服,以仅有的倔强战胜了一切。

有时我在想如果我是奥利弗,或许我已经在那非人的折磨下,已经变成一个任现实宰割的最底层人了;在那层层诱惑面前,我已经屈服了。想到这里,对奥利弗不禁肃然起敬。 奥利弗的身世,是在那些善良人的帮助下,才得以查明,才使他获得最终的幸福脱离苦海。在那样一个黑暗社会中,也不全是恶人,总会有那么些个善良人去拯救,去挽回。

这本书中正如一切最好的故事的结局一样,善良最终战胜了邪恶。 我们现在的这个社会也是,欺骗无所不在,有些人仅看到新闻中,那些乞讨人利用人们的善良,骗取钱财。欺骗多了,人心变得慢慢冷漠,看到行乞人变得视而不见。但还是会有人施与同情,不然也不会有那么多乞讨人 黑暗的现实中,一场场善于恶,美与丑的斗争正在上演,最终真善美的心将会战胜一切艰难险阻。


Learn to love and care

Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about e Dickens created in the novel are really e books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. After that he disappeared in Mr. Brownlow’s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. him. Jesus said in the Bible. “Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.


jane eyre —a beautiful soul

jane eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. after panion e others even thought that she that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.


an analysis of jane eyre

the novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. it does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of “manners” in the tradition of austen, or a straightforan. the indecision ance” antic fairytale are present.

the romantic element is present in two forms in jane eyre; the “family” aspect is dealt with in the gateshead, lowood and moor house episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked reed family for the benevolent rivers one; and the love romance is dealt with in the thornfield and ferndean episodes. both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.

there is also a strong element of realism in the novel, edy

the more fantastic romantic aspects; the coincidences; the secrets; the supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.

the gothic influence cannot be ignored, although cb has refined the technique considerably from the “authentic” gothic of the 1790's. in the original genre, the heroine for middle class an's value largely depended therefore on her sexual purity and she en it.

the trials an frees. in this way we see that cb created rather a daring departure from conventional fiction, although there are still many aspects of the novel which remain true to victorian convention.!


here i am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about e dickens created in the novel are really e. there oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he e books to the bookseller and to send some money for the nee for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

perhaps most of us him. jesus said in the bible. forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven. why is that? because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. we cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. stop put mr. brownlow into the list of your models. always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. thats also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

then there are mrs. maylie and rose, olivers other benefactors. maybe the reason they loved and cared oliver etimes trust can even lead us to miracles, e. believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and e from your beliefs in life. etimes last forever.

charles dickens said:love makes the us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. these principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.








miss austen never attempts to describe a scene or a class of society etimes been made an objection to miss austen, and she has been accused of among the ordinary people of his o such a life, jane austen's viebined at once with effrontery and with meanness of soul....

jane eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. after panion e others even thought that she that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty

我的英文读后感----《简爱》as jane eyre, in her plainness and solitude, walks to and fro in the thornfield hall, her unfortunate childhood, conflicting love, and religious forbiddance all cannot stop her seeking a better life and cherishing the human nature. she broke loose the chains that jailed her spirit, and through her struggles she overcame the poverty, customs, social standards, and piety which all blocked her from her dream of happiness, and finally became the master of herself! it could be said that jane's life was earned through retaliation and pursuit, that she fought tooth and nail until the sunlight was won. the sunlight now in her palm, shines brightly unto her!

in fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm. i always think in a difficult situation, if and when the hardships of this life is done, if and when the road of time no longer curves, if and when i try my best to walk to the end, will i be able to see the blinding sunlight? for the most important meaning in life is that, struggling through your trials you realize the value of your life, while taking away all the bitter misfortunes. only then will we see the true radiance of the golden sun...
















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